tsoHost Help Centre

Table of Contents

We found 81 entries tagged "cPanel".

What is MySQL

What is my website's root directory on my cPanel account?

What is FTP?

What is cPanel?

What is an addon domain?

What is a website backup?

View traffic statistics, logs, and metrics for my cPanel account

Start over (erase all content) in my cPanel account

Show hidden files in my cPanel account

Setup PHP error logging

Restore databases using Site Backup in cPanel hosting

Restore a website from a cPanel backup file in cPanel account

Rename files in my cPanel account

Remove a domain from cPanel account

Reinstall an SSL Certificate

Redirect my WordPress website to HTTPS for cPanel account

Redirect my cPanel website to HTTPS

Password protect directories in my cPanel account

Move files or folders between directories in my cPanel account

Log in to phpMyAdmin in my cPanel account

Install a Let's Encrypt certificate on your cPanel account

Find your database hostname

Exporting MySQL database in SSH

Connect remotely to a MySQL database in my Linux Hosting account

End PHP processes in my cPanel account

Enable SSH for my cPanel account

Edit files in my cPanel account

Download Site Backup backups in cPanel account

Download files from my cPanel account

Disable WP_CACHE for WordPress

Delete files or folders in my cPanel account

Delete a database in my cPanel account

Create files in my cPanel account

Create copy of a file or folder in my cPanel account

Connect to my cPanel account with SSH (Secure Shell)

Compress files in my my cPanel account

Check my account's resource usage

Change PHP upload limits for my cPanel account

Change PHP settings in my cPanel account

Change a secondary domain's root folder in my cPanel account

Back up my website in my cPanel account

Back up a database in my cPanel account

Add secondary or alias domains on my cPanel account

Add a subdomain on my cPanel account

Export MySQL databases

Website Errors: 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable

View or change the PHP version for my cPanel Hosting

View database details for my Linux Hosting account

Using an SSL with Your WordPress Admin Control Panel

Using 301 Page Redirects

Upload files to a website in my Linux Hosting account

Upgrade my cPanel Hosting plan

Unzip files in my Linux Hosting account

Troubleshooting FileZilla FTP Connections

Set up email forwarders in my cPanel Hosting account

Set up cPanel email accounts

Set a custom 404 page in my cPanel Hosting account

Send form mail using an SMTP relay server

Resource limits

Reset my primary FTP password in cPanel Hosting

Reset database user passwords in my cPanel Hosting

Remove FTP users from my cPanel Hosting account

Preview your website using hosts files

Navigate to my cPanel Hosting account

My website isn't displaying

Manually install an SSL certificate on my cPanel hosting

Manage files in my cPanel Hosting account

Install WordPress on my hosted domain using cPanel

Install web applications in my cPanel Hosting account

How many files can a shared hosting directory hold

How do I install an SSL certificate on my server

Find my server IP address

Export MySQL database

Edit FTP users in my cPanel Hosting account

Create Cron jobs

Create a MySQL database in my cPanel Hosting

Configuring mail clients with cPanel email

Common web page errors

Change passwords for cPanel email in my cPanel Hosting package

Add FTP users to my cPanel Hosting account

Add addon domains to host multiple websites in cPanel Hosting