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Upload files to a website in my Linux Hosting account

Updated Apr 7th, 2021 at 13:55 BST

To upload files to a website in your Linux Hosting account, you would need to first navigate to your cPanel. Here's how to get to the cPanel from your TsoHost Client Area:

Tip: Need to upload a lot of files? Create a ZIP file, upload it to your account, and unzip it there.

Go to your TsoHost Client Area: https://my.tsohost.com/clientarea.php Go to Services. Go to My Services. Select the service in question. Click on Login to cPanel button. Click on the cPanel Admin button. Finally, navigate to your File Manager.

In the File Manager, you can click on the Upload button in order to upload files to the current directory.

Note: Within cPanel the root directory is public_html, but the root directory for your website might be different depending on your setup (/public_html/blog or /public_html/mycoolsubdomain.com for example).

Related steps: If you uploaded a ZIP file, here's how to unzip it in your account. First navigate to the directory in which you have uploaded the ZIP files, then right-click on the file and select Extract. To upload a website for a secondary or add-on domain, verify your website's root directory before you upload the files.

More info: You can also upload your files with an FTP client, which you can do by creating an FTP account from your cPanel - FTP Accounts section. Once the FTP account is created connect to the server by using the following details:

Host: The IP of the server or ftp.thedomainname.com

Username: Your FTP username

Password: The password related

Port: 21

For help with using File Manager, see the cPanel File Manager documentation from here: https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/files/file-manager