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End PHP processes in my cPanel account

Updated Apr 8th, 2021 at 15:12 BST

You may need to end PHP processes in your cPanel account - for example, to manage runaway scripts or get a PHP initialization file to take effect.

Note: Ending a process kills all current connections to the process. Any users connected to the process will have to reconnect.

From your client area go to:

Services -> My Services -> click on the green "Active" button -> Login to cPanel/Control Panel

In the account Dashboard, click cPanel Admin.

In the cPanel Home page, in the Software section, click Select PHP Version.

Below PHP Selector | Extensions, next to PHP version, click the current version, choose a different version from the list, and then click Set as current. For example, if your current version is 7.2, select 7.1.

Repeat the previous step, but choose the version you were using before and don't forget to click Set as current.