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Make an SQL dump file

Updated May 6th, 2021 at 15:41 BST

Log into your hosting account for the WordPress site and start phpMyAdmin. Check article: https://help.tsohost.com/knowledge-base/article/11999

In the list of databases, click your WordPress site database.

In the top menu bar, click Export.

In the Export Method list, select Custom, and then in the Table(s) box, click Select All.

In the Format list, make sure SQL is selected (that's the default).

In the Object creation options list, select:


CREATE TABLE options, and its options IF NOT EXISTS and AUTO_INCREMENT

Enclose table and field names with backquotes

If your database is larger than 300MB (for example, if you have lots of posts, comments, additional media, and so on), change the Maximal length of created query to 1047551. Otherwise, leave this value alone.

Click Go. A file with extension .sql is exported to the default download location on your computer.