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Set up email forwarders in my cPanel Hosting account

Updated Apr 7th, 2021 at 13:36 BST

You can set up the email Forwarders feature in cPanel to forward copies of incoming emails.

Note: For more info, see the cPanel documentation for Forwarders from here: https://docs.cpanel.net/cpanel/email/forwarders/

Go to your Tso Host Client Area: https://my.tsohost.com/clientarea.php Go to Services. Click on My Services. Select the cPanel service in question. Click on the Login to cPanel button. Finally, click on the cPanel Admin Button.

Once you are in cPanel navigate to the Forwarders option within the Email section.

Add the type of forwarder you want to use. For specifics, see the cPanel documentation for this feature.