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An introduction to Mod_rewrite

Updated Oct 31st, 2017 at 11:37 GMT

The Cloud is compatible with mod_rewrite which enables users to create websites with clean/SEO friendly URLs. mod_rewrite also has a number of useful features which can help you direct certain files to others, amongst other things.

Mod_rewrite is automatically enabled for sites using 'Linux' or 'Hybrid with Linux Bias'. You can enable mod_rewrite for Windows websites manually by logging in to the hosting control panel, clicking on the domain you wish to enable rewrites for, and then Website Settings and then Rewrite. Everything is the same as you would set it up on other hosting systems (e.g. cPanel) however you may need to add the following line:-

RewriteBase /

This will tell mod_rewrite where to look for your files (without this line it will look in the wrong place).