tsoHost Help Centre

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Daily IP blacklisted by Hotmail/Microsoft

Resolved Jul 30th, 10:02 - Aug 23rd, 21:54 BST


Resolvedover 5 years ago

All daily IPs are now de-listed. Please contact us if you are still receiving a bounce-back errors.

Updateover 5 years ago

Currently the majority of IP addresses has been delisted, apart from If you notice your emails bouncing back please get in touch. Excuse us about the inconvenience.

Updateover 5 years ago

We have requested a delist from SORBS for the Daily mail IP range and they have confirmed that the IP is not listed any more.

We are still awaiting an update on the matter with Microsoft. Once we have information from them, we will further update.

Fixingover 5 years ago

Currently we are investigating an issue with some of our Daily IP addresses being blacklisted by hotmail/Microsoft. The IP addresses are in the range: We are currently investigating this and once we establish the cause will request a delist with Microsoft. Please excuse us about the inconvenience.